ॐ नमो भगवते रुद्राय नमः।

Turning ideas into seamless Experiences

Hello there 👋, I'm Sahil Shadwal, a Full-Stack Developer based in India.

I spin elegant code and thrive in open-source projects.
Building server-side apps as robust as the globe itself.
I constantly try to improve
My tech stack
Tech enthusiast with a passion for development.
The Inside Scoop
Currently building GPT: from scratch, in code, spelled out.
Do you want to start a project together?

A small selection of recent projects

Developer Q&A community platform.

Developer Q&A community platform.

A collaborative platform for developers to ask questions, post answers, and engage with the community. Featuring robust search and filtering capabilities, users can upvote valuable content and build a comprehensive knowledge base.

Filmpire - Movie Streaming Platform

Filmpire - Movie Streaming Platform

FILMPIRE - A premier web app for movie enthusiasts with light/dark mode, search functionality, favorites, watchlists, and more.

NFT - Marketplace

NFT - Marketplace

Using Web 3.0 methodologies, Solidity and Metamask i have built a first real Web 3.0 Application - from start to finish.

Animated Portal Website

Animated Portal Website

A portal scene built with React Three Fiber using GLTF models and GLSL shaders. A Leva GUI allows for customization of the portal speed and sparkles.

Blog section will be added soon...

My work experience